Mission and Vision
Our Vision
We endeavor to create a culture that strengthens faith, values and integrity above all. Academic success and excellence are seen as a consequence of good character, which is what we strive to inculcate in our students. We are committed to develop students who will become productive elements of our society. To achieve this we inculcate the ability to think clearly and independently in our students and the courage to stand up for truth and right.
Our Mission
Ilmgah (A Project Of Sabra Hamida Trust) is an English medium School resolute to provide quality education in Islamic environment disseminating knowledge of Holy Quran, teaching moral values and building character of future generations.We provide quality education to meet international standards through our quality management system, continuous staff development coupled with active partnership of parents and community.
Our Values
Ilmgah is committed to provide programs which meet the unique educational needs, interests, abilities and aspiration of each student. We are committed to meet the highest standard in early care and education through our following services.
1. Collaborative Learning Opportunities
2. Highly Qualified & Devoted Faculty
3. Skilled Faculty Trained by Afaq Consultants
Make a donation to Sabra Hamida Trust and help create a society where quality education is not the birthright of a privileged few, but a deeply held vision for all.