Ilmgah Girls Primary School, a pilot project of Sabra Hmaida Trust was inaugurated on 09, September 2011. The core mission is to spread the light of quality education through provision of state of the art Institution for less privileged segment of society. This simple vision transformed into greater reality as during 2011; there were 35 students and 5 teachers initially. With the passage of time the number of students kept on increasing and at present there are 300 students enrolled with 22 teachers to look after the educational needs of the students. Pertinent to mention that almost all the teachers hold Masters degree besides professional qualification. The school has readily responded to the needs of Green Town residents to facilitate and augment students learning according to the latest educational trends. A blended learning experience at the school engages students, making the learning process more effective and rewarding. At Ilmgah; we ensure the provision of quality education to meet International Standards through our quality management system, continuous staff development coupled with active partnership of parents and community. The school curriculum is set at par to any other private school in the country with full access to free uniform and shoes, books, stationary, eatables including juices, fresh fruits, bakery products and meals every day. Continuing to transform our vision; the Ilmgah Girls Middle school was got registered with the Education Department on 12th September 2012. Recent Punjab Examination Commission results yielded that Ilmgah has surpassed all the other institutions by grasping top two positions. Another milestone has been marked by the Registration of Ilmgah Boys Middle on August 29, 2014 with the keen interest to facilitate more children of the same area. It is delightful to observe that the students have risen beyond expectations within a short span of time. The school has been expanding and students have been performing exceptionally well. The school undoubtedly has become a promising platform for children to learn, experiment and excel to live their dreams. We initiated a small project with primary level schooling facility and recently have introduced middle level (8th grade section) for boys & girls separately. Ilmgah has achieved a milestone through 100% increase of its Nursery class students’ population. In cognizance to this pressing demand of the school, SHT acquired yet another building to accommodate the increasing students. The building was inaugurated in a simple but colorful way. The faculty and whole management team are truly focused to develop the next generation with true spirits.

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